Monday, 26 November 2012

The Filibuster continues...

Filibuster fight seizes Senate

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Congress tries to shed its bad rep

A do-something Congress for vulnerable lawmakers

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Friday, 17 August 2012

What will be Ryan's impact on women?

Paul Ryan: the small government champion who could force transvaginal ultrasounds on pregnant women | Amy Goodman

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Romney and Ryan

If Romney beats Obama, Ryan will set the tone and call the shots | Martin Kettle

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

What Type of Learner Are You? » Online College Search - Your Accredited Online Degree Directory

What Type of Learner Are You? » Online College Search - Your Accredited Online Degree Directory:

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Tea Party call for Supreme Court Justice to be impeached

Supreme Court health care ruling: Tea party's Gohmert: Investigate Kagan's role -

Judge Porteous Impeachment Trial, Timothy Porteous and Bodenheimer Testimony - C-SPAN Video Library

Judge Porteous Impeachment Trial, Timothy Porteous and Bodenheimer Testimony - C-SPAN Video Library:

NB - Porteous is NOT a Supreme Court Judge.

John Roberts, Conservative Outcast, and the Supreme Court’s Unprecedented Leak

This very brief article looks at how GW Bush's conservative appointment to Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Roberts, voted with the liberal justices to uphold Obamacare last week. The article follows an anonymous leak from the Supreme Court on what was said during discussions on the case.

Original article here

So much for weeks of chatter about how the Supreme Court is the last hermetic institution in Washington. CBS News has its hands on a once-in-a-lifetime scoop: someone with intimate knowledge of the court’s health care deliberations has provided an account of the decision of Chief Justice John Roberts to reverse course in May and the intense but ultimately ineffective campaign by conservative Justices to change his mind. Supreme Court leaks — especially one originating so close to the bench and coming just a few days after a ruling of such gravity — are virtually unheard of, even if all the circumstances the story describes are not.
Though conservatives seem to be taking Roberts’ flip as evidence of the Chief Justice’s squishiness — and are generally working themselves into a lather over the Bush appointee’s betrayal — switching positions late in the game is not a new phenomenon on the court. Justice Anthony Kennedy famously swapped sides in 1992′s Planned Parenthood v. Casey to uphold abortion rights, and toggles between positions more readily than most. Massimo Calabresi and David Von Drehle relayed a relevant anecdote in their recent profile of the Justice:
In one famous incident, Scalia went for a walk with Kennedy before the Casey abortion case was decided and came away from their heart-to-heart discussion confident that they would vote together. The next day, Kennedy went the other way.
This time, according to CBS News, it was Kennedy who did the lobbying. The story describes him as “relentless” until the very end, and “the most forceful and engaged of all the conservatives in trying to persuade Roberts.” That quote is telling.
I claim no inside knowledge whatsoever of the court or this story, but all leaks happen for the same reason. In a recent piece about why national-security officials give reporters classified information,Steven Aftergood wrote, “They do so not to subvert policy but to explain it, to defend it and to execute it.” In this case, it looks as if conservative members of the court felt the need to explain publicly why the decision went against them, defend their efforts to prevent the outcome and vent a little spleen.
It’s not necessarily an angry clerk gone rogue either. Former Kennedy clerk Orrin Kerr writes:
If clerks did this, it was just crazy: A clerk who leaked this and is identified has likely made a career-ending move. It’s true that a group of OT2000 clerks leaked the details of the deliberations in Bush v. Gore, and as far as I know they did not face consequences. But that was in the fall of 2004, almost four years after the decision, and my sense is that at least some of the leaking clerks were already comfy in academic jobs and no longer practicing.
CBS’s story claims knowledge of the thoughts of conservative Justices and seems to transmit their version of why Roberts flipped:
Some of the conservatives, such as Justice Clarence Thomas, deliberately avoid news articles on the court when issues are pending (and avoid some publications altogether, such as The New York Times). They’ve explained that they don’t want to be influenced by outside opinion or feel pressure from outlets that are perceived as liberal.
But Roberts pays attention to media coverage. As chief justice, he is keenly aware of his leadership role on the court, and he also is sensitive to how the court is perceived by the public.
There were countless news articles in May warning of damage to the court — and to Roberts’ reputation — if the court were to strike down the mandate. Leading politicians, including the president himself, had expressed confidence the mandate would be upheld.
We tried to talk him out of it, but President Obama and the liberal New York Times were just too powerfulis not a narrative I imagine Roberts would endorse. Politics and public perception undoubtedly weighed on the Chief Justice (as it surely did on the rest of the court), but so did the precedent he was setting. Conservatives considered the structure of his opinion — which applied a heretofore-obscure argument that the individual mandate is a tax — ridiculous. “To say the individual mandate merely imposes a tax is not to interpret the statute, but to rewrite it,” the minority wrote. Roberts’ reply was that “every reasonable construction must be resorted to, in order to save a statute from unconstitutionality.” His vote, in theory, was for restraint of both congressional and judicial power.
That’s a lonely position, though. Conservatives are furious. Roberts’ fellow conservative jurists didn’t mention him by name in their dissent because “they no longer wished to engage in debate with him.” One Justice, according to CBS, said the right wing of the court effectively told Roberts, “You’re on your own.” They washed their hands of the ruling. Clearly, that’s something they want the world to know.

Read more:

What is CISPA and why does Obama want to open a can of veto on it?

P.S. Remember when Pres. T Roosevelt first coined the term 'bully pulpit' he meant 'good pulpit' ('bully' as in  'bully for you'). Thus, the Presidency is a good platform on which to push a certain agenda, as it has the ear of the nation (and perhaps the world). However, sometimes the President does use this attention to engage in a little bullying with Congress - the threat of veto.
This very brief article looks at how GW Bush's conservative appointment to Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Roberts, voted with the liberal justices to uphold Obamacare last week. The article follows an anonymous leak from the Supreme Court on what was said during discussions on the case. Original article here
So much for weeks of chatter about how the Supreme Court is the last hermetic institution in Washington. CBS News has its hands on a once-in-a-lifetime scoop: someone with intimate knowledge of the court’s health care deliberations has provided an account of the decision of Chief Justice John Roberts to reverse course in May and the intense but ultimately ineffective campaign by conservative Justices to change his mind. Supreme Court leaks — especially one originating so close to the bench and coming just a few days after a ruling of such gravity — are virtually unheard of, even if all the circumstances the story describes are not. Though conservatives seem to be taking Roberts’ flip as evidence of the Chief Justice’s squishiness — and are generally working themselves into a lather over the Bush appointee’s betrayal — switching positions late in the game is not a new phenomenon on the court. Justice Anthony Kennedy famously swapped sides in 1992′s Planned Parenthood v. Casey to uphold abortion rights, and toggles between positions more readily than most. Massimo Calabresi and David Von Drehle relayed a relevant anecdote in their recent profile of the Justice: In one famous incident, Scalia went for a walk with Kennedy before the Casey abortion case was decided and came away from their heart-to-heart discussion confident that they would vote together. The next day, Kennedy went the other way. This time, according to CBS News, it was Kennedy who did the lobbying. The story describes him as “relentless” until the very end, and “the most forceful and engaged of all the conservatives in trying to persuade Roberts.” That quote is telling. I claim no inside knowledge whatsoever of the court or this story, but all leaks happen for the same reason. In a recent piece about why national-security officials give reporters classified information, Steven Aftergood wrote, “They do so not to subvert policy but to explain it, to defend it and to execute it.” In this case, it looks as if conservative members of the court felt the need to explain publicly why the decision went against them, defend their efforts to prevent the outcome and vent a little spleen. It’s not necessarily an angry clerk gone rogue either. Former Kennedy clerk Orrin Kerr writes: If clerks did this, it was just crazy: A clerk who leaked this and is identified has likely made a career-ending move. It’s true that a group of OT2000 clerks leaked the details of the deliberations in Bush v. Gore, and as far as I know they did not face consequences. But that was in the fall of 2004, almost four years after the decision, and my sense is that at least some of the leaking clerks were already comfy in academic jobs and no longer practicing. CBS’s story claims knowledge of the thoughts of conservative Justices and seems to transmit their version of why Roberts flipped: Some of the conservatives, such as Justice Clarence Thomas, deliberately avoid news articles on the court when issues are pending (and avoid some publications altogether, such as The New York Times). They’ve explained that they don’t want to be influenced by outside opinion or feel pressure from outlets that are perceived as liberal. But Roberts pays attention to media coverage. As chief justice, he is keenly aware of his leadership role on the court, and he also is sensitive to how the court is perceived by the public. There were countless news articles in May warning of damage to the court — and to Roberts’ reputation — if the court were to strike down the mandate. Leading politicians, including the president himself, had expressed confidence the mandate would be upheld. We tried to talk him out of it, but President Obama and the liberal New York Times were just too powerful is not a narrative I imagine Roberts would endorse. Politics and public perception undoubtedly weighed on the Chief Justice (as it surely did on the rest of the court), but so did the precedent he was setting. Conservatives considered the structure of his opinion — which applied a heretofore-obscure argument that the individual mandate is a tax — ridiculous. “To say the individual mandate merely imposes a tax is not to interpret the statute, but to rewrite it,” the minority wrote. Roberts’ reply was that “every reasonable construction must be resorted to, in order to save a statute from unconstitutionality.” His vote, in theory, was for restraint of both congressional and judicial power. That’s a lonely position, though. Conservatives are furious. Roberts’ fellow conservative jurists didn’t mention him by name in their dissent because “they no longer wished to engage in debate with him.” One Justice, according to CBS, said the right wing of the court effectively told Roberts, “You’re on your own.” They washed their hands of the ruling. Clearly, that’s something they want the world to know. Read more:

Thursday, 28 June 2012

How powerful is the Presidency? Will Obama's healthcare reforms be struck down as unconstitutional by the Supremem Court?

Video HERE of Obama warning the Supreme Court agains Judicial Activism.
Video HERE outlining the main controversey over Obama's health reforms ahead of the decision. You will probably be reading this after the decision has been made!

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

2 Fast, 2 Furious? Obama's Watergate? Scrutiny of the executive by Congress

Two US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) investigators (with sunglasses) speak with Guatemalan police officers at the scene of a bus attack in Quetzal, 35 km northeast of Guatemala City on January 26, 2011. The police is investigating if this attack is related to a similar one occurred on January 3 in which 9 people were killed when alleged gang members threw incendiary bombs at two buses, apparently because the owners of the transportation company refused to pay extortions.

My outgoing Y13s will remember a video I showed them of a congressional hearing on the Fast & Furious operation that went wrong. Well, the scandal continues to grow, though UK coverage has been limited. The following will catch you up.

Obama's Attorney-general Holder in contempt of court!!! over Fast and Furious, House decides.

An excellent article from the ever-interesting Dr Tim Swanley (Kent boy and expert in US history and politics). Excerpt below is quick summary. Full article here.

Here’s what Fast and Furious is all about – and for the uninitiated, be prepared for a shock. In 2009, the US government instructed Arizona gun sellers illegally to sell arms to suspected criminals. Agents working for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) were then ordered not to stop the sales but to allow the arms to “walk” across the border into the arms of Mexican drug-traffickers. According to the Oversight Committee’s report, “The purpose was to wait and watch, in hope that law enforcement could identify other members of a trafficking network and build a large, complex conspiracy case…. [The ATF] initially began using the new gun-walking tactics in one of its investigations to further the Department’s strategy. The case was soon renamed ‘Operation Fast and Furious.”
Tracing the arms became difficult, until they starting appearing at bloody crime scenes. Many Mexicans have died from being shot by ATF sanctioned guns, but the scandal only became public after a US federal agent, Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, was killed by one of them in a fire fight. ATF whistle blowers started to come forward and the Department of Justice was implicated. It’s estimated that the US government effectively supplied 1,608 weapons to criminals, at a total value of over $1 million. Aside from putting American citizens in danger, the AFT also supplied what now amounts to a civil war within Mexico.
It’s important to note that the Bush administration oversaw something similar to Fast and Furious. Called Operation Wide Receiver, it used the common tactic of “controlled delivery,” whereby agents would allow an illegal transaction to take place, closely follow the movements of the arms, and then descend on the culprits. But Fast and Furious is different because it was “uncontrolled delivery,” whereby the criminals were essentially allowed to drop off the map. Perhaps more importantly, Wide Receiver was conducted with the cooperation of the Mexican government. Fast and Furious was not.

Synopticity, foreign policy, scrutiny and drones

Drone strike: activists seek to lift lid on open secret of targeted killings

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Obama Presidential Power, Foreign Policy, EXOP (NSA)

Drone wars and state secrecy – how Barack Obama became a hardliner | World news | The Observer: ""Obama did not reverse what Bush did, he went beyond it. Obama is just able to wrap it up in a better looking package. He is more liberal, more eloquent. He does not look like a cowboy," said James Bamford, journalist and author of numerous books about the NSA including 2008's The Shadow Factory."

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Friday, 25 May 2012

How effective is Congress? Broken branch- even worse than it looks?

This really is an excellent revision video on Congress. Full of useful examples and synopticity for this unit. It's easy to understand and up to date (May 2012). You may have heard the term 'broken branch' to describe Congress. It comes from the 2008 book by Ornstein and Mann. Their new book is entitled "It's even worse than it looks." The basic line is that parties in Congress are now so polarised that very little compromise is achievable. They largely blame the Republicans, but say that the Democrats are "no angels". The problem pre-dates the Tea-Party movement but has probably been exacerbated by it.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Fox news

I know this is just a few Fox News-ers having a laugh but I think this tells probably tells you a lot about Fox news. Click here.

Sensible critique of Obama

Click here.

Liberal media bias in the entertainment industry? Evidence of an urban liberal elite distracting the US from encroaching 'socialism'?

Liberal media bias in the entertainment industry? Evidence of an urban liberal elite distracting the US from encroaching 'socialism'?
This was the sketch Jack spoke about in class...

RIght wing interpretation of Obama

Obama Is No Ordinary Socialist: "Jon Stewart and “The Daily Show” are right about one thing. Obama is no ordinary socialist. Obama is a hybrid. He is a socialist/Marxist/fascist/and corporatist all rolled into one. And that, my friends, is the deadliest breed America has ever seen."

I'm still looking for sensible right-wing critiques of Obama. I know there is one out there. I will keep looking...

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House defies Obama to pass student loan bill - Washington Times

The key to understanding this one is dispute over where the money will come from to pay for they cheaper interest rates the students pay on their loans. Most House Republicans voted in favour of keeping the subsidised loans for another year (which doesn't sound particularly Republican -ish), but the money for them will be taken from Obama's health Prevention Fund (which pays for healthy eating campaigns etc. etc.). We wait to see how the Senate responds with their bill and whether or not Obama will attempt a veto.

House defies Obama to pass student loan bill - Washington Times:

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How powerful is Obama?

As always - it depends who you ask? One possible liberal interpretation might be that Obama has been hindered by dark forces that have sought to hinder Obama's administration from the start.
Democrats condemn GOP's plot to obstruct Obama as 'appalling and sad' in the Guardian